Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Book of Stallions, Chapter 3

1. And thus did the herd of the Giant Pink Unicorn bear him many foals, and he was pleased.
2. Lo, the Earth did not yet foal and the Giant Pink Unicorn was wroth for he had entered the Earth many times, even as she was his favored daughter.
3. And the Earth weeped for her barrenness and did turn her face away from the Giant Pink Unicorn in shame.
4. The Giant Pink Unicorn saw her tears and wept with shame for her shame. For she could bear him not a foal and he was ashamed of her.
5. Then did the Giant Pink Unicorn gallop to the furthest reaches of the black, taking his beloved mare with him.
6. And she old but gave herself unto him to birth many more foals even as the Giant Pink Stallion did create new suns with his hooves.
7. And their sparks were fierce and did light the blackness with points of light as many as could be counted.
8. And the Earth did look unto her sister Moon and did cry for her barrenness and the separation from the Giant Pink Unicorn.
9. Then did Moon hold her sister and kiss her tears. And they were naked.
10. And the Earth did kiss Moon and they wept together in their nakedness for the Earth’s barrenness.
11. Lo, did the blessings of the Giant Pink Unicorn stir within the Earth and the Moon did kiss her belly.
12. She kissed the Earth’s belly and did unto her,
13. “See now, how the blessings of the Giant Pink Unicorn still move within you. Yea, it is even my kisses which makes them move.”
14. And the Moon went unto the Earth and did to her as she would.
15. Thus, the Earth did conceive and her foals did prance across her skin.
16. And they were unlike the foals of the herd and the rest of the herd did look in wonder at the Earth and her foals.
17. Then, did the Giant Pink Unicorn appear once again, for his beloved mare was dead, even she bore his last foal very far away.
18. And he came to the Earth, for she was his favorite.
19. The Giant Pink Unicorn did look on the Earth and did see her foals and he spake unto her.
20. “What is this thou has created with thy sister Moon? Wilt thou even nurse these abominations and allow them to be in my blessed herd?”
21. And the Giant Pink Unicorn was wroth and then did rear up to strike the Earth.
22. But Moon did intercede and she looked upon her father, yea even unto the Giant Pink Unicorn and she had no fear.
23. And she spoke unto him, “Strike not my sister with your great hooves for behold, your blessing which you did even put into her hath borne fruit and they are your foals.
24. My kisses to her belly and beyond did only awaken that which my father the Giant Pink Unicorn did impart into my sister. Behold thy children, Father.”
25. And the Earth trembled in her fear.

The Book of Stallions, Chapter 2

1. The foal did grow into a colt and her mother the mare did bear many more,
2. For the Giant Pink Unicorn was not done with her, yea, even to use her to the fullness of his glory.
3. And she bore more foals and they did name them Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars also called Mares, and Jupiter and Saturn and Uranus also called Rear, and Neptune and Pluto.
4. Yea, Pluto was small and her body did wilt for the mare was old.
5. The Giant Pink Unicorn didst place her body to circle his light and did look unto her many times and weep.
6. Then did the Giant Pink Unicorn look unto his largest daughter and Saturn was her name.
7. She became unto him as his new mare and he did bless her with his Pinkness and lo, she conceived and bore many foals.
8. And they were called Titan and Europa and Ganymede and Callisto.
9. And Saturn did lay in the blackness after her birthing
10. The blood of her labor did encircle her and the Giant Pink Unicorn did bless it by touching it with his Blessed Singular Horn. And it shewed his glory.
11. Then did the Giant Pink Unicorn look unto his daughter Jupiter for lo his daughter Saturn did faint.
12. And Jupiter raised up her visage and spake to the Giant Pink Unicorn, saying
13. “See now, my father, for I cannot be your mare even as I am not your daughter but your son and cannot do that which my mother the beloved mare nor my sister hath done for you. For I am male.”
14. And the Giant Pink Unicorn did look and see that Jupiter was his son. And it puzzled him that such should be.
15. Then did he raise his great and narrow face to Jupiter and did speak unto him, yea even to his son.
16. “This thing you are is only what thou thinkest, for thou art now my daughter.”
17. And the Giant Pink Unicorn did touch Jupiter with his Blessed Singular Horn and lo, he was she.
18. Then did the Giant Pink Unicorn take his daughter Jupiter and extend his blessings into her, yea, all the way into her and she conceived.
19. And then did the Giant Pink Unicorn take his daughters, be they his sons or not, and did extend his pink blessings into them that they should conceive and bear him many foals.
20. And they were his herd and he was their stallion.
21. And the Earth was a two year old.

The Book of Stallions, Chapter 1

1. Lo, did the Giant Pink Unicorn appear in a dream unto me, his blessed servant Brian Ragle. And he spoke and it was the sound of a terrible whinny of anguish and I quaked in my soul, for I was truly afraid.
2. The Giant Pink Unicorn did see my fear and touched me with his Blessed Singular Horn, and spoke again, saying “Be not afraid for this night I have welcomed you into my herd, yea a new foal.
3. And you will write my words, even those words I have written on your heart since you were a young colt. You will be my herd and I will be your stallion.”
4. I, the servant of the Giant Pink Unicorn, did still my trembling and wept with joy. For his love entered me and I glimpsed the blessed Pastures of his eternal rest even the Barns of Gold.
5. But he took that vision from me and said “Now is not the time for such things for I will reveal their glory unto my own time and glory”
6. And I saw a vast blackness and was afraid. From the darkness, the visage of his Blessed Singular Horn did appear. And lo, it was as the tearing of a curtain with a dagger for the Blessed Singular Horn did tear open the sky of dark.
7. Thus the Giant Pink Unicorn opened the universe with his horn and trotted, nay, even cantered into it in his glory.
8. The earth was foaled from the glory of the Giant Pink Unicorn, for he did approach the mare.
9. Lo, the mare stood by, for she was in the universe from before and awaited his arrival with the tearing of the veil with his Blessed Singular Horn.
10. And she had no horn, for she was a mare and smooth was her forehead.
11. The Giant Pink Unicorn smelled her from afar and it did incite him to tear through the veil of darkness, even the fence that separates fields.
12. And he did find her and come unto her, saying,
13. “Your are my beloved mare and you will bear my foal, yea, even my herd of foals. And they will spring from you by virtue of my glorious Pinkness and I will be their stallion and they will be my herd. Yea, and so it shall be.”
14. And the mare did whinny her response, for no words were hers to use for she was only a mare.
15. Yea, and the Giant Pink Unicorn did unto her even as he said he would do, and thrice more did he unto her all that he said. And still she could not speak for there was no breath left within her and no words for her use.
16. And the Giant Pink Unicorn, seeing that his beloved mare lay dead with exhaustion did touch her with his Blessed Singular Horn and lo, she arose as fresh once again.
17. And she did receive from him again, yea even two-score more than he had promised. And she was blessed and did conceive a foal.
18. The Giant Pink Unicorn stood by his beloved mare who could now speak, given as she was the blessing of his Pinkness to use words.
19. And she spoke and said unto the Giant Pink Unicorn,
20. “Surely thou art my stallion, for no other could use me even so long or as many times as you. Now, behold I carry your foal and her name shall be Earth, for that is the sound that didst pass from my lips when you first entered me as your beloved.”
21. And the Giant Pink Unicorn did weep to hear her words and he did nuzzle his beloved mare with his nose and whinnied his love into her ear.
22. Yea, the foal did grow and drop from her well used loins into the darkness.
23. The foal was blind, for it could not see in the dark and then did the Giant Pink Unicorn rear up,
24. And his hooves were terrible in their fierceness and they clashed together to spark greatly.
25. From their sparks there came a light into the darkness.
26. Lo, even that light that is the sun.
27. And the foal was a yearling.